President Uhuru Kenyatta has nominated Francis Wanderi, Justus Abonyo, Juliana Cherera, and Irene Cherop to be IEBC commissioners.

On Thursday, the President sent the names of the four to Parliament for vetting and approval.

The four commissioners will be vetted by the Justice and Legal Affairs Committee of the National Assembly chaired by Kangema MP Muturi Kigano.

They will be replacing Roselyn Akombe, Margaret Mwachanya, Paul Kurgat, and former Vice-Chair Consolata Maina who resigned from the commission.

A leaked notice seen by The Star from the National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi directed JLAC to consider the nominations and table a report within 28 days as provided for in the Standing Orders.

Covid is reason enough to postpone elections, IEBC candidate Cherera

‘Life comes first’, Cherera says.

The Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) Act (Act No. 33 of 2011), requires the National Assembly to consider the nominations and table its report within the set period.

“I hereby refer the Message, together with the Curriculum Vitae of the four nominees to the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs for the Committee to undertake the necessary approval hearings,” the notice from Muturi reads.

Muturi asked the Committee ‘to expeditiously notify the nominees and the general public of the time and place for holding the approval hearings’.

“Upon conclusion of the hearings, the committee should table its Report in the House in good time to enable the House to consider the matter within the stipulated timelines,” Muturi directed.