ODM leader Raila Odinga is on his second day of touring Garissa County to popularize Azimio la Umoja ahead of the 2022 General elections.

He is expected to address delegates meeting with leaders from the region to find the way forward ahead of the 2022 polls.

Addressing residents yesterday, Raila vowed to ensure youths in Garissa are issued with their National Identity Cards (IDs).

For instance, he revealed that the government had already processed more than 10,000 and will soon be issued to the youths.

The former Prime Minister also promised the youths the creation of the Youth Affairs and an active Youth Enterprise Fund with clear policy and zero-interest that will ensure Kenyan youths prosper in different aspects.

He also addressed the concerns raised regarding the discriminatory treatment at the Garissa-Tana Bridge. For instance, it was revealed that youths from Garissa had encountered challenges when crossing as those who lacked IDs were wrongly profile.

“We have many towns in Kenya that border neighboring countries and are not subjected to the same,” the AU High Representative for Infrastructural Development said.

On Saturday, Raila was in Bungoma where he attended the burial of Mama Margaret Mutenyo Nandalwe, mother to an ODM politician.

He later made a stopover and addressed residents by the roadside. It was the first political meeting in the area after the 2017 elections.

Last week, he scaled through the Mount Kenya region where he held several consultative meetings with leaders from the region.

By Fred Azelwa.