The government through the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) is undertaking a country wide free vehicle clinic to ensure all vehicles plying along all routes are roadworthy ahead of the Christmas festivities.

Through the one month exercise covering November, NTSA is undertaking inspection on safety measures including safety belts, insurance policy, wheel balancing, and speed limits among others so as to enhance road safety set regulations and reduce road accidents.

Government spokesperson Col Rtd Cyrus Oguna regretted that rising accident cases in the country were hurting the economy as the country continues to lose more economically able and dependable workforce through road carnage.

Oguna said in the year 2020 alone, 3340 accidents were recorded across the country with the cases rising to 4,023 from January to 22nd November this year.

He added that the government is scaling other intervention measures to address the increasing fatalities on roads including new validation of all driving schools, sensitizing passengers and drivers on safety through NTSA and an enhanced collaboration between relevant state agencies and the security apparatus in the country.

Speaking on a tour of Mai Mahiu – Narok road,Oguna said despite the government putting in place adequate road safety laws and regulations, more accidents were being witnessed on the Kenyan roads and blamed ignorance and careless driving and driving under influence among the road users.

Government Spokesperson Col Cyrus Oguna ( on microphone) joined by security heads and National Transport and Safety Authority officials address the press on the Road Safety measures the government is scaling to address increased road fatalities in the country during a tour of Mai Mahiu- Narok road.

He said the government was concerned on increased road fatalities being reported on the 40km stretch to Narok town with 53 persons reported dead and 103 left with serious injuries this year alone.

Oguna called on all road users including motorists, bodaboda operators, pedestrians, passengers, drivers and even cyclists to take personal responsibility and observe all laid down road safety regulations to help reduce road accidents particularly during this festive season.

NTSA head of motor vehicle inspection, Gerald Wangai said the agency is scaling its crack down operations country-wide to ensure all vehicles conform to the set safety laws as the festive season beckons.

Wangai said the agency has already rolled out an updated safety program for newly accredited driving schools to equip students with modern safety requirements adding that they have also developed easy to use mobile application where citizens can report any traffic violation.

By Fred Azelwa.