President Uhuru Kenyatta has tasked the new police graduates to uphold high level dignity and integrity as they go out to discharge their duties.

In his speech at the Administration Police Training College in Embakasi Monday, the President said that the Government was committed to protect police officers as long as they do what is right devoid of corruption and other ills.

“With the issue of corruption and integrity firmly lodged in our national consciousness, my plead to you is not to allow the fruits of the many of years of sacrifice wither because of graft,” said President Kenyatta.

“Save yourselves and your families the agony, the shame, and tears that come from prosecution, suspension and been exited from the service,” he added.

Speaking after presiding over the passing out parade of 2,610 officers, the Head of State advised the new police officers to remain focused and uphold the highest standard of professionalism, dignity and fidelity to the law.

“To you graduates, as you leave this college and begin service to Kenya I remind you that yours is a profession that demands you unconditionally commit to the motto..Uaminifu na Haki,” he said.

The President also took chance to highlight some of his administration’s achievements in the uniformed forces.

He noted that during his tenure as President from 2013, an increase of police officers grew by over 45,000 from 2013 to date.

Uhuru said his administration was committed to provide support to enable them perform their duties efficiently.

“My administration has continued to fulfill its police reform agenda by providing resources improving staff welfare, and enhanced benefits in housing and healthcare,” he noted.

He commended the law enforcement agencies for their role in enforcing the Covid-19 regulations and protocols saying that it forestalled what could have been a national catastrophe.

While calling on Kenyans to lead by example by adhering to all the laws in the Republic, he also urged all Kenyans to be partners with security agencies in fighting crime by volunteering any vital information on threats to security.