Kenya Rugby Union Gangla Oduor has lauded the admnistration of Sports Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed for its key role in enhancing the growth and development of sports in the country.

Odour said the CS has embraced Kenyan sports and its partners in a very dynamic and pragmatic manner,through adoption of a very collaborative and participatory management of the docket where stakeholders are consulted and engaged in key areas that affect athletes.

“Truth be told the CS has surpassed expectations in terms of delivery.As long as you are doing what’s best for the country she’ll offer you a helping hand.For the first time in history of Kenya we went to the Olympics and amid covid-19 pandemic, athletes were sufficiently prepared and there were no reports of unpaid allowances and that contributed to Kenya’s good performance” he told KBC Sports Digital.

When the Covid-19 pandemic struck, sports activities were shut down across the globe.

The Cabinet Secretary, in response, immediately established a stimulus package that saw over 3000 athletes benefit from cash transfers, food packages, and psychosocial support.

“The Cabinet Secretary also quickly spearheaded the development of resumption of Sports guidelines that saw safe resumption of sporting activities. These guidelines have been borrowed from Kenya used across various other countries” part of NOCK statement read.

On November 11, Amina disbanded FKF and formed a caretaker committee led by retired judge Aaron Ringera to take charge of all football activities in Kenya for the next six months.

The move attracted reaction from several quarters with various heads of sports federations coming out in defence of the CS saying she was acting within her mandate for the good of the game.

“We as the sports fraternity we want to categorically state that we have full confidence in the work and the ability of the senior leadership team at the ministry of Sports Culture and Heritage, we have seen enormous improvement in the delivery of services,” KRU supremo Gangla stated.

He added, “We as the sports fraternity in the period that madam CS Amina has been at the helm both from a policy perspective, execution and improvement of working relation with the federations, we have no complains.”

On his part, Kenya Basketball Federation Chairman Paul Otula said, “There has been tremendous improvement in this country and not just sports but also the welfare of athletes when Covid-19 came our athletes were literary down but they stepped forward and I think Kenya was the only country whereby the Government stepped forward to give athletes stipends to survive and the athletes really appreciated,” Otula said.

By Fred Azelwa.