From left Eng. Kandie, PS Prof. Maringa and chair Prof. Mbecha.

Kenya rural roads authority  (KERRA), one of the road agency in the ministry of roads transport and infrastructure  yesterday hosted it’s staff  in a performance review meeting for the financial year 2020-2022. In a meeting that was graced by the PS infrastructure Prof. Maringa on behalf of the cabinet secretary where  also he awarded some of the retirees.

KERRA has a special mandate of implementing government agenda of tarmacking ten thousands kilometers in ten years. These was a commitment of the Jubilee government when they came to power in the year 2013. Today the target has been met.

In his speech PS Maringa congratulated  Kerra board headed by the chair Prof. Mbecha  and management lead by Engineer Philomon Kandie for the splindant performance in implementing government agenda of tarmacking 10km of roads. “Today l am very happy to be part of this celebration because almost 60% of all roads  works that have been done in the country is courtesy of Kerra” he said.

Kerra has been implementing road works  throughout the country and the Kenya population has felt there is ease of access to resources and services e.g tourists can access Tsavo east national park through Malinda – Salagate road which was completed in the year 2017, just among many.One can use a parallel road from Emali -Munono – Kajiado/Isinya  to Keserian  Ngong to Sutswa. The same applies to Lake Victoria fish landing where you can access it all the way from Migori- Masara, Sindo then Mbita. In central province and Mt. Kenya regions you can access tea, coffee and rice growing fields in Mwea with ease.

Since 2013- 2017 the Jubilee government has achieved 10,598 km of roads surpassing the target with Kerra contributing the lion share of 6,200 km, (60%). These roads projects has contributed immensely for the population getting their income from labour and purchase of materials for road constructions.

By Fred Azelwa.