Kenya Forest Service Commandant Alex Lemarkoko has urged Olokurto residents who border Maasai Mau Forest to work closely with the KFS officers to make sure the forest is protected.

He urged them to volunteer information to KFS officers in instances where a few individuals are starting to invade the forest destroying one of the biggest water tower in the country.

Speaking when he meet olokurto resident at Olokurto KFS post, Lemarkoko called on the Narok County conservator to deploy more police officers to flush out those invading the forest.

He urged the residents to work together with his officers to help the officers protect the forest saying it benefits them and the entire country

Lemarkoko called on the residents to report those ferrying forest products in a bid to curb the destruction.

He said those allowed to grace their herds of cattle’s inside the forest are the ones who should be on the look out for the perpetrators.

Lemarkoko saaid the Olokurto residents should be at the forefront in planting trees in their farms as well as the forest.

By Fred Azelwa.