James Kianda, the recently posted North Eastern Regional Commissioner (RC), has plans to make the region a terror-free zone.

Replacing Nicodemus Ndalana who was moved to the Ministry of Interior headquarters in Nairobi Kianda reported to the region on 12th January 2022.

The RC comes to the region with a wealth of experience in administration, having worked as a District Officer in Wajir (currently designated as Assistant County Commissioner), rising through the ranks to his current position. He was the immediate former Nairobi Regional commissioner.

In an interview with Garissa based journalists during a breakfast meeting at his office, the career administrator laid bare his plans to make North Eastern ‘a terror free zone.’

Following the recent terror attacks in Mandera and Wajir counties that left 11 people dead and dozens injured, Kianda said that citizens should take full responsibility of protecting their motherland by sharing any information on terror suspects with the relevant authorities for necessary action.

“We want the public to understand that intelligence is very important. It can help us deal with terrorism. Wherever these attacks are happening, there must be a local component. There must be a herder there who is keeping animals or somebody who is crossing there from village to another or someone driving there,” Kianda said.

“We are appealing to the public to open up and provide us with information. Let them develop trust with our security agents. Where there is mistrust between the public and the police, the information is concealed. We will treat it with confidence and act promptly, it’s one way of defeating terrorism,” he added.

Kianda said that replacing public properties destroyed during the attacks robs the taxpayers of the resources meant for development and is not a solution to terrorism.

The RC noted that the chiefs and their assistants are the ‘eyes and ears of the government on the ground’ adding they should at all times work from their areas of jurisdiction.

Kianda warned the chiefs and their assistants who have moved to urban areas that stern action will be taken against them as they need to be home to monitor all activities.

By Fred Azelwa.