The National Government’s Constituency Development Fund has released Sh 34 million in bursary support to 4,800 needy students in Saku constituency of Marsabit County.

Area Member of Parliament Colonel (Rtd) Dido Raso underlined the importance of education saying lack of it was a major contributor to the insecurity situation being witnessed in the area.

Col Raso who disbursed cheques to respective learning institutions at a ceremony held at Dakabaricha day secondary school in favour of students from all communities living in the cosmopolitan constituency noted that the fund was aimed at enabling needy and bright students to access education and realize their potential.

The MP said that it was through education that the youth and the community could be enabled to make informed decisions as well as participate in development.

Col Raso wondered why youths were still engaging in the retrogressive practice of livestock theft which had not only been outlawed but outlived its usefulness.

He pointed out that Marsabit was endowed with enormous resources that include land that could provide for every resident and communities to coexist peacefully and share available pasture and water during times of need.

Col Raso condemned increased cases of conflict among local pastoralist communities and urged parents to educate their children saying education would act as a catalyst for harmony and growth.

Sh 19 million would be spent in paying school fees for 2,700 students in secondary school while Sh 15 million would cater for 2,100 students in the university and colleges.

“I appeal to you residents of Saku to uphold peace and love one another your multi-ethnic composition notwithstanding,” he said and advised the youth to eschew acts of lawlessness and shun leaders who advocate for violence.

He cited illiteracy as the main cause of misunderstanding between communities as they were unable to gauge the value of peace only resulting in fights to resolve issues concerning grazing resources.

“The insecurity situation in this sub-county has inflicted pain and suffering to all irrespective of status and I would call on men to reexamine the situation and eschew acts of lawlessness being perpetrated amidst want and famine” he noted.

By Fred Azelwa.