The Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO) has Sunday demanded the Government through the Ministry of Interior provide 24hour security to all essential service providers in the known polarized areas.

In addition, the union is also demanding that the County Government of Mandera inform the public of the status of one of their members who was Friday night abducted by Al Shabaab operatives and steps taken to prevent similar incidences.

KUCO’s statement comes a day after one of their members Jackson Kabuu, a Clinical Officer working for Mandera County Government at Fino Health Centre, was abducted.

Through a presser, KUCO said that it was disappointing to continue witnessing security incidences despite their calls for the provision of enhanced security to essential service providers working in these polarized areas.

“Article 29 of our Kenyan Constitution gives every Kenyan the right to security, therefore we cannot take a backstage as Kenyans get denied their fundamental right,” KUCO cited.

In addition, the union noted that it is their expectation and that of every professional working in these areas that the government would ensure 24hour security to guarantee continuity in the provision of essential services delivery without fear.

Further, the union noted with concern that the county government of Mandera is yet to formally inform the public of this abduction and the steps being taken to rescue him as well as assure other essential service providers of their security.

By Fred Azelwa.