National Construction Authority (NCA)has reiterated its commitment to continue restoring sanity in the construction industry amid the rise of rogue contractors and fraudsters in the sector.

The construction regulator had earlier blamed delays in passing reviews of a law giving it powers to prosecute as a hindrance to the crackdown on rogue contractors and fraudsters in the expansive industry .

Executive director Maurice Akech who joined the construction watchdog in 2014 as general manager in charge of research, training and capacity building before his elevation in 2019 has lauded the progress following mechanisms provided for in the amended NCA act.

“Safety is a critical aspect in this sector hence need to address the problem of unregistered contractors who undertake projects together with fraudsters who masquerade as our officers as well as holders of fake certificates and those who fail to comply with suspension notices.We are impressed with the work so far as the vice is being tamed by our professional team of officers on the ground and going forward it will all be rosy” he said.

Last year,the government gave property developers countrywide 30 days to comply with building regulations failure to which they will face the full force of the law.

Akech said the government had employed a multi-sectoral approach incorporating the Engineers Board of Kenya, the National Construction Authority and the Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors and Kenya Beaurau of Standards, further noting that contractors found to have violated the law will be cautioned, suspended for a period of time or deregistered.

“We have already enhanced our surveillance through a multi-agency approach to get rid of buildings that are non-compliant and putting the lives of mwananchi at risk,” he noted.

Gazetted in December 2011 as the State agency in charge of enforcing the national building code, NCA is mandated to carry out the critical role of taming rogue contractors who have been blamed for the regular fatal collapse of both rental and commercial buildings.

The code of ethics for contractors lays out fundamental principles for a harmonious relationship among players in the construction procurement value chain obligating all players to abide by their professional codes and regulations.

By Fred Azelwa.