New members of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), the New Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ), and the Chairperson as well as members of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR), have been sworn-in.

Speaking, Thursday, at the Supreme Court, during the swearing-in ceremony, the Chief Justice (CJ) Martha Koome congratulated the newly appointed members and urged them to demonstrate the will to serve the public as they undertake their new responsibilities.

“All the appointees are free to serve in their relevant institutions which are key areas to prioritize on useful solutions touching on the needs of Kenyans,” said Koome.

She pointed out that the objectives of the newly appointed members, according to article 249 of the Constitution of Kenya, are to protect the sovereignty of the people, uphold the values and principles of the nation, and promote and uphold the Constitution.

The CJ, while encouraging the appointees to uphold the spirit of teamwork, said her mantra since taking up the task as the President of the Supreme Court, is that it takes a team to succeed.

“This is why I have been talking about shared leadership and responsibility. We have to work together,” she reiterated.

Koome, reiterated the words of the late Prof. Wangari Maathai, that when a person vacates a seat after working alone, nobody would be there to carry the mantle for the future generation.

CJ pointed out that her vision is to open up the doors of justice to all Kenyans, meaning that the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has the mandate to treat all Kenyans in a fair and just way.

“This will also ensure that the government continue to protect the sovereignty of Kenya by observing peace, democracy, and upholding constitutional values,” the CJ added.

She also recognized the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the CAJ Mercy Wambua, for her bravery, as well as fighting for her rights throughout her work.

At the same time, a representative from the Office of the President, Kennedy Kihara, mentioned that the newly appointed members are fit for duty since they were shortlisted after applying for the positions, then vetted for suitability, and finally appointed by the relevant authorities.

“I encourage the new members to use a multi-agency approach, as a way of contributing to the welfare of the Country,” he said.

Kihara also appealed to all stakeholders to nurture democracy and assured them of support by the Government.

KNCHR new Chairperson, Doreen Odhiambo, expressed that she is deeply honored to serve the people of Kenya, adding that she will remain faithful in performing her tasks as per the Constitution.

She vowed to remain committed to her work and promised to build a partnership with Kenyans aimed towards human rights compliance.

By Fred Azelwa.