United Democratic Movement party has endorsed Mandera County Assembly Speaker Mohammed Khalif to succeed outgoing Governor Ali Roba.

Leaders led by Roba who is eyeing the Senatorial position in the August poll claimed only the speaker is best suited to lead the county and enhance the legacy of his predecessor.

Khalif was endorsed in Nairobi by a section of leaders from Mandera who say he is the best choice owing to his track record.

He and his running mate Ali Mohammed pledged to unite all communities in Mandera County even as they dispel claims they are projects of the current Governor Ali Roba.

Meanwhile, Migori Senator Ochillo Ayacko has urged Orange Democratic Movement competing aspirants to consider settling their differences ahead of the general election.

Ayacko who launched his gubernatorial bid in Awendo town said dissenting voices within the party should consider dialogue and reconciliation if the Orange party is to garner a majority of seats in the upcoming polls.

And section of Jubilee party aspirants has called upon their supporters to throw their weight behind the ruling party claiming it is home grown and has the best interest of the electorate.

The leaders who spoke in Nairobi also cautioned the masses against being duped by persons who were seeking elective offices for personal gain.

And a section of the clergy and elected leaders in Kiambu County is calling on political leaders across the country to desist from abusive and use of derogatory words while on the campaign trail.

They spoke at the AICPK church headquarters in Githunguri Kiambu County during the ordination of Bishop David Gatimu as the Archbishop of African Independent Church of Kenya.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa.