The Azimio Running mate Selection Panel on Saturday, May 7, 2022, announced that it has reviewed its first shortlist with respect to Raila’s possible running mate and added the names of NARC party leader Charity Ngilu, CS Agriculture Peter Munya, Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and his Nakuru counterpart Lee Kinyanjui.

In a press statement shared by the press secretary of the Raila Odinga presidential secretariat Dennis Onsarigo, the committee, which is tasked with searching for Raila’s suitable running mate, stated that the change comes after constituent parties of the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party registered complaints.

“After the release of the press statement reporting the progress of the work of the panel, the panel received various complaints from nominating parties who said their applications had not been considered and their candidates had been unfairly locked out,” the press release read in part.

The Noah Wekesa-led panel stated that it established that there were certain applications that had been submitted to the Campaign Secretariat but had unfortunately not been forwarded before it.

The panel further underscored that it has now come up with the criteria and modalities that will be used to evaluate the applications that have been submitted and to determine the best three candidates, whose names shall be submitted, in order of priority, to Raila Odinga.

By Fred Azelwa.