Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has bolted out of Azimio la Umoja coalition.

Kalonzo said One Kenya Alliance will now stand as it originally was.

The Wiper leader announced the move alongside KANU’s Gideon Moi on Monday morning in Karen.

“We have agreed to go separate ways with Azimio La Umoja and compare notes as we do so. I wish Raila Odinga’s running mate Martha Karua well,” Kalonzo said.

Makueni MP Dan Maanzo on Sunday said the party leadership met on Saturday and agreed to withdraw from Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya Coalition after talks to have Kalonzo deputise Raila Odinga failed.

We have been negotiating for days now but Raila Odinga appears to be rigid and we have no options other than part ways,” Maanzo said.

By Fredrick Odanga Azelwa.