The bank has invested nearly Sh45 million in retrofitting its outlets, which include Nkrumah, Kisii, Queensway Branches, Westend HQ, and Bishops Gate Head Office.

Throughout the redevelopment process, the bank’s branches and headquarters saw energy-efficient LED lights refitted, reducing the bank’s carbon footprint significantly.

Additionally, the buildings now boast of water efficiency features such as low flow taps, dual or 6-litre single flush toilets, low flow urinals and eco-friendly bottle-less water dispensers installed.

These investments have reduced Absa‘s energy and water costs by up to 30 per cent and 33 per cent respectively, saving the bank up to Sh25 million per year.

Speaking while receiving the certification on the sidelines of the 2022 East Africa Property and Investment (EAPI) Summit in Nairobi, Absa Bank’s Head of Sustainability, Jane Waiyaki, said the bank is purposefully realigning its business strategies with eco-friendly practices   such as greening workspaces for long-term positive impact on the environment, health, and wellbeing of its employees.

“As a responsible business, we are stepping up the efforts to complement the fight against climate change while achieving our goal of becoming a net zero organisation by 2040.  This EDGE Certification is a demonstration of the progress we are making in our sustainability commitment. It also allows us to understand our clients and how we can support them through such a transition.’’ said Waiyaki.

A 2019 report by the International Energy Agency highlights the building and construction sector as a key contributor of greenhouse gases accounting for 40 per cent of energy-related carbon emissions and more than one-third of energy consumption globally.

Green buildings thereby ensure reduced carbon emissions by adopting environmentally responsible practices and resource-efficient practices throughout a building’s life cycles – financing, planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa.