Deputy President William Ruto fired back at his closest rival in the race for Kenya’s top job, Raila Odinga, on Sunday, accusing him of ducking the much-anticipated presidential debate debate.

The DP spoke during a rally at the Erera grounds in Kisii on Sunday, flanked by his allies in Kenya Kwanza.

According to the DP, Raila has given the debate a wide berth because he is unable to tell Kenyans why the price of basic commodities has shot up since the handshake.

“He has feared going for the debate because they have no plan and agenda. They have no policies to sell, that is why they are wondering what they will come to do in the debate,” DP Ruto said.

“They cannot articulate any agenda because they have none. That man who is full of rhetoric lacks clarity on what he wants for Kenyans,

Kenya Kwanza also made it to Kapkatet groundsĀ  in Kericho for a rally on Sunday, where DP Ruto allies continued their onslaught against the Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya flag bearer.

Kenya Kwanza’s Wetangula stated that in Raila’s absence, DP Ruto would seize the opportunity to rally support for the Kenya Kwanza manifesto.

According to Wetangula, DP Ruto will not debate other contenders, Roots Party’s Wajackoyah and Agano Party’s Mwaure, who are scheduled to face off in the debate’s first round on Tuesday.

“Ruto will go for the debate but not with watu wa bhang, he will use the 90 minutes if the debate to display KK manifesto,” Wetangula said.

Kenya Kwanza allies also waded into the standoff featuring the IEBC and the DCI in the matter of three Venezuelans arrested with election stickers at the JKIA.

The DP accused the Directorate of Criminal Investigations’ boss, George Kinoti, of playing politics.

According to the DP, the DCI boss is incompetent, and the DCI is being used to advance a political agenda.

By Fred.