The new Kenyatta University council resolved to surrender the land title deed to the Ministry of Lands to facilitate the re-planning, and excision of 410 acres.

The court had issued orders barring transactions on the university land the same day the new council complied with the cabinet directive.

The Kenyatta University land tussle has taken a different turn, after the new council complied with a cabinet directive to allow for re-planning of the 447.3 hectares parcel of land.

The new University council chaired by Prof. Chrispus Kiamba, in a letter to head of public service Joseph Kinyua, dated 15th July 2022, hours after taking over from Prof. Shem Migot Adholla, resolved to surrender the land title deed to the Ministry of Lands to facilitate the re-planning, and excision of 410 acres.

The council, in the letter, instructed acting vice chancellor Prof. Waceke Wanjohi to hand over the title deed to Ardhi House, to facilitate demarcation and processing of individual title deeds for Kenyatta University Referral Hospital that was allocated 180 acres.

30 acres are earmarked for allocation to the World Health Organisation (WHO) for establishment of a regional hub, 10 acres for the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention while 190 acres would be used to resettle Kamae Squatters and end years of a tussle between them and the University.

Prof. Wanjohi, the acting vice chancellor, whotook over from Prof. Paul Wainaina who was suspended over the land saga, in compliance with the University council directive, said she was yet to obtain the original copy of the title deed.

She however asked the ministry of land to proceed with the re-planning, using information and documentation in the University’s land file as guided by the cabinet.

The court had issued orders barring transactions on the university land the same day the new council complied with the cabinet directive.

By Fred Azelwa.