Ombeta who contested for the Member of Parliament seat on a UDA ticket said he hopes to get a similar opportunity next time.

In a statement in his twitter handle, the renowned Criminal Lawyer further said that Bonchari will always be in his heart.

“Bonchari had a different vision from mine. Grateful for the run and the experience. Perhaps next time we may have the same view,” he said.

“Bonchari Enyia has  and will be in my heart. Those who believe in me, we will keep it alive. This will not be our end politically. Our vision was probably not the same with ordinary Boncharian therefore, we must bring it back to them in a different dimension,” added the statement.


Ombeta was competing against eight other candidates namely Dr Charles Onchoke (UPA), former MP Zebedeo Opore (Jubilee), Jonah Ondieki Onkendi (ODM) and Charles Mogaka (UPIA), Violet Tita (PDP), Geoffrey Okindo (USAWA), James Atancha (MCC), and David Ogega (KNC).

Other politicians who have conceded are Moses Kuria – Kiambu (Governor), Naomi Shaban – Taveta (MP and George Theuri – Embakasi West (MP).

By Fred Azelwa.