The Kenya Defence Forces treated thousands of Kenyans to a colourful ceremony at the Kasarani Stadium Tuesday during William Ruto’s inauguration.

Over 60,000 Kenyans thronged Kasarani from as early as 3:00 am to witness the swearing-in ceremony that was attended by several visiting Heads of State and high level delegations sent to represent their respective administrations.

Ruto was officially sworn in as the President taking over from Uhuru Kenyatta as the fifth head of state.

Last Guard of Honour

The Outing President inspected his last guard of honour mounted by the Kenya Defences Forces before handing over power to Dr. Ruto.

President Uhuru Kenyatta inspecting a guard of honour at the Kasarani Stadium.

Ruto took two oaths administered by the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary, Anne Amadi, in the presence of the Chief Justice, Martha Koome.

The first oath, the new President pledged allegiance to the Constitution while the second is the solemn affirmation of due execution of the office of president – as envisaged in Article 141 (3) of the Constitution.

After the president and his deputy took the oath of office, the former president handed over the instruments of power and authority to Ruto.

The instruments include the ceremonial sword of power which signifies that the president is the Commander-in-Chief and the Constitution which is a symbol that the nation is governed by the rule of law.

The Constitution symbolizes that the nation is governed by the rule of law.

Uhuru’s Presidential Standard was later lowered as Ruto’s yellow flag was hoisted simultaneously.

The presidential standard is an official flag of the President, displayed alongside the national flag where the President is.

A 21-gun salute by the Kenya Navy followed, Uhuru was later given his Standard by the Chief of Defense Forces Robert Kibochi.

The former President is expected to lead the way out to receive the Kenya’s fifth President at State House where a luncheon with invited Heads of State will take place.

By Fred Azelwa.