Water and Irrigation Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome has distanced herself from a bitter tussle involving a CS and mpv. over the ownership of a Karen home.

Taking to social media on Saturday, CS Wahome told off a section of Kenyans on Twitter (KoT) who were linking her to the saga, causing her to trend.

Wahome said she was neither the CS in question nor was she looking for a house to live in. “Thatstory of a house in Karen involving a CS, leave me out. I’m not the one. Sorry, Kenyans on Twitter. You missed this one. Look for someone else. I’m not looking for a house to live in,” she stated.

The house tussle went viral for the better part of Saturday morning with a first-time MP accusing a CS of forcibly occupying the house which he is selling at Amara Ridge after expressing interest in the house.

The MP said the CS is yet to sign a sale agreement or make payment and is using police officers to frustrate his efforts to move her from the house for renovations.

The house owner, Mary Mureu, said the CS made an offer of Ksh.90 million for the house, but she and her husband said the final asking price was Ksh.120 million.

“Thereafter, I travelled to the US for my daughter’s graduation and when I came back on Wednesday, I brought my people to clean the house and mow the lawn.. and to my shock, I found the house open,” she said.

KOT, who popularly identify themselves as Twitter DCIs, as is their norm were quick to point fingers at the CS and link her to the scandal. Here are some of the hilarious tweets by KOT.

The first-time MP has accused the CS of forcibly occupying the house he is selling at Amara Ridge after expressing interest in the house.

The MP said the CS is yet to sign a sale agreement or make payment and is using police officers to frustrate his efforts to move her from the house for renovations.

There was a fracas at the home on Friday as police whisked away a man by the name of Kariuki, who said the MP had contracted him to do repairs at the home before a new owner takes possession of the house.