South Pokot MP David Pkosing has declared to lead the collection of signatures of civil disobedience in a bid to kick out President William Ruto from power.

The legislator, who was elected on the Kenya Union Party [KUP] ticket and who is in Azimio’s bipartisan committee panel, said that he is doing grassroots mobilization, networks and preparations for the signature drive and mega demos.

Speaking to the press in Kapenguria, the former ally of President Ruto noted that Kenyans are angry and dissatisfied with the promises made by the Kenya Kwanza government .

Pkosing, who confessed to voting ‘NO’ on the controversial Finance Bill said he is opposing the government for failing to beef up security in the Kerio Valley region.

He reiterated that the government has been giving out false promises and has failed in taming insecurity in the region.

By Fred Azelwa.