Former President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday evening resurfaced and addressed the press following reports that police officers had allegedly stormed the Karen home of his first-born son, Jomo.

Uhuru, visibly angered, said he was in his office catching up on work when his son informed him that individuals in plain clothes claiming to be police were demanding access to his home.

He then rushed over but when he arrived, he noted, the said officers – who were driving vehicles with South Sudan number plates – had already left.

Uhuru further cited recent instances in the country that allude to the State having an agenda against him, including the withdrawal the security of mama Ngina Kenyatta as well as a threat by Trade, Industry and Investment Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria to storm his home in Ichweri there.

 “All of these things are flowing in a row. I have a whole minister of government saying that he’s going to do I don’t know what in front of my mother’s house. I have people who have been guarding my mother for the last 50 years withdrawn at night. I have now a situation where my son’s home is being raided for things that I don’t understand,” he stated.

“So I ask myself, what does this government want? Because if it wants me, the fact that I’ve been silent doesn’t mean I’m scared, come for me.”

He added: “What does my mother have to do with anything? What do my children have to with anything? Kama shida yenu ni mimi, I’m here. They know where I am 24/7. Why all this, intimidate a 90-year-old woman and children? If it is me you want, come and tell us what you want.”

By Fred Azelwa.