Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (Kessha) has called on the government to expedite preparations for the rollout of the senior secondary school education system to avoid a last-minute rush.

Kessha chair Indimuli Kahi says as school managers, they should be informed about the roadmap for early planning as provided in the latest  Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) roadmap.

“I am happy that KICD has come up with the roadmap and this gives us an opportunity to go back to our schools to interrogate the roadmap with our boards of management to start analyzing what we have and therefore what kind of pathway we should start thinking about it,” said Indimuli.


He was speaking at the 46th annual Kenya secondary school headteacher conference in Mombasa.

The school heads now say with two years remaining before the first class transitions to senior secondary, the government should start thinking about a smooth rollover as the majority of schools are unprepared.

The Kessha chair noted that public schools may be disadvantaged as a majority of private schools have already begun positioning themselves for the three pathways.

With infrastructural challenges remaining a nightmare, the school heads want proper planning ahead of the takeoff.

“With the road map being given, I think we are not too late. We must rush so that in the next two years we are ready,” he said.

Indimuli said the presidential task force report on education will inform a majority of the guidelines.

“Whatever comes out of the report and the President declares that the recommendations are implementable, then KICD will look at those recommendations and see how they can adjust or maintain the way things are,” he said.

By Fred Azelwa.