Farmers in Wajir, Turkana, Garissa, Marsabit and Isiolo Counties are poised to benefit from a partnership between Davis & Shirtliff (D&S)and Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) whose aim is to elevate food and water security in Arid and Semi-Arid (ASAL) regions in Kenya through the utilization of solar water pumping.

Under a pre-paid pay-as-you-go financing model, the farmers will be able to procure solar-powered irrigation equipment from D&S through manageable installments.

MWA will partially finance the purchase of the solar systems for select farmers through funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Speaking on the partnership, D&S CEO George Mbugua noted that the deal seeks to eliminate financial obstacles related to clean energy access in the ASAL regions by enabling farmers to utilise solar energy for crops irrigation and livestock feeding.

“Agro-pastoralist communities are some of the most vulnerable groups affected by climate variabilities. Through this initiative, we will be seeking to cushion them from the shocks of climate change and increase their capacity to produce food and secure their livelihoods,” said Mbugua.

“Ultimately, we want to increase the number of households with access to safe and adequate water supply through supporting water point rehabilitation and the regular operation and maintenance of water points to bolster food security in target counties.”

MWA will likewise support D&S in creating the tailored pay-as-you-go system as well as in the training of borehole response and repair teams and water utilities technical staff.  

“MWA will also co-finance the training of water points operators, the Borehole Response and Repair Teams and Water utilities as well Collaborate with Davis and Shirtliff on water point development through corporate social responsibility,” said Millennium Water Alliance Country Representative, Styvers Kathuni.

By Fredrick Azelwa.