President Ruto has ordered the immediate firing and prosecution of 23 Kenya Forest Service (KFS) officials over corruption and incompetence.
Speaking during the passing out parade of KFS rangers in Gilgil, Nakuru County, on Wednesday, October 11, the Head of State said the officials include managers and rangers aiding and abetting the destruction of Kenya’s forest cover.Ruto said the affected officials were identified during recent investigations and directed the KFS Board to remove them from office pending prosecution.”Those who have been found either compromised, incompetent or engaged in corruption in this case that has led to the destruction of our forest assets, I have instructed the board to remove them from government… From tomorrow I don’t want them on the government payroll,” Ruto stated.He noted that the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) was seized of the matter and the officers would be arraigned in court in due course.

“We will not allow the few people engaged in criminal activities to deny us the opportunity to exploit our commercial forests and forest assets for the growth of our country and creation of jobs for our young people. We will deal firmly with them,” the President added.”

President Ruti urged the 2,664 recruits who graduated today to serve with integrity.

He challenged the new rangers to be drivers of the country’s National Landscape and Ecosystem Restoration Programme and ensure that the government’s ambition to grow 15 billion trees by 2032 is actualised.

The event was attended by Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Forestry Soipan Tuya,  chief conservetor Alex Lemarkoko, Governors Susan Kihika (Nakuru), Andrew Mwadime (Taita Taveta) and area MP Martha Wangari among other senior government officials.

By Fred Azelwa.