Kenya requires Ksh.995B to achieve universal water access by 2030 – Water PS Korir

The National Government anticipates requiring approximately Ksh.995 billion to ensure that each and every Kenyan household has access to clean water by 2030.

Speaking in Nairobi on Friday during the Water and Sanitation Investors Conference 2024, Water and Sanitation Principal Secretary (PS) Julius Korir highlighted that the government intends to utilize available resources and partnerships, both public and private, to raise the funds.

According to the PS, the national and county governments are expected to cover approximately 11 percent of the total cost, which amounts to around Ksh.105 billion.

“The cost of providing water to all by 2030 to all is around Ksh.995 billion and that gives the magnitude of the problem. There are several sources we have identified; which now we are developing financing strategies for. National and county revenues will address about 11 percent of the total cost or Ksh.105 billion,” Korir said.

The CS further revealed that development partners are anticipated to contribute Ksh.77 billion through grants, constituting around 8 percent of the required funding.

“We are also looking at concessional financing. I think when this was proposed we still had a good fiscal space where we could borrow more but now that has reduced. At the time of doing this paper it was around 40 percent which is Ksh.395 billion,” he said.

Korir likewise underscored the importance of adopting a multisectoral approach in the investment, emphasizing the significance of public-private partnerships, a perspective strongly supported by the Council of Governors.

“For PPPs we are targeting around 31 percent or Ksh.313 billion and then commercial and blended financing is Ksh.82 billion or eight percent. We also want to attract climate financing investors for water storage.” said the Water PS.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa