The Judiciary has launched a nationwide e-filing system that will ensure easy access to justice.

During the event on Monday, Chief Justice Martha Koome also launched the data tracking dashboard and causelist portal to improve service delivery.

According to Koome, this will further establish a paperless environment, and reduce geographical barriers to accessing justice.

“E-filing allows for remote case filing, offering a convenient platform for legal practitioners and the public to engage with the justice system online, thereby improving accessibility, efficiency and inclusivity,” she stated.

She described the launch as a transformative step in making our justice system more efficient and accessible.

“The expansion of e-filing beyond Nairobi began with the rollout in Mombasa County in April 2023, with 13 counties already on-boarded. We are now reaching a national scale with court stations in the remaining 34 counties being on-boarded today,” the CJ stated.

He encouraged legal practitioners and litigants, to familiarise themselves with the e-filing system and to use it to its fullest potential.

“By doing so, you will not only contribute to the improvement of our justice system but also reap the benefits of a more accessible, user-friendly, and efficient platform for the resolution of disputes,” she stated.

The CJ further explained that the “integration of our e-filing system with the Uadilifu e-system, operated by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) exemplifies our commitment to interoperability and collaboration across the justice sector.”


“This integration facilitates a more coordinated and seamless experience for all users, reflecting our dedication to enhancing the justice delivery system through technological innovation,” she stated.

She also pointed out that the judiciary will work closely with the Attorney General’s office, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), the National Police Service (NPS), the Prisons Service, and the probations service to ensure that the e-filing system is fully integrated and operational within all our institutions.

“By harnessing the power of technology, we can work together to deliver justice more effectively and expeditiously to the citizens of Kenya,” she said.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa