Various stakeholders in the Country have joined hands in a bid to give hope to girls who had initially lost track in their education due to early pregnancy.

One such stakeholder is the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) which recently, in synergy with Kiambu County spearheadead an ambitious plan to retrace the girls to schools.

The aim of the initiative is to return them to school and make sure they achieve their goals.

The Forum works to promote access to and retain girls in school towards improving the quality of education for girls in the continent.

This came out in a workshop in Nairobi under the auspices of Imarisha Msichana which brought together County officials, National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs) and Community Health Promoters (CHPs).

Dropping out of school for girls in informal settlements was adversely mentioned as a great impediment to girl education.

From the workshop it emerged that the number of girls returning to school after getting pregnant and giving birth has greatly continued to reduce.

FAWE believes that girls who got expectant should not be denied a chance to register for national examinations.

The Ministry of Health said the situation in all the sub-counties of Kiambu was grim.

FAWE called on the Community Health Promoters to look for data of the cases of girls who had dropped out of school due to unwanted pregnancies.

Some of the factors said to be contributing to underage pregnancies are poverty, modern media influence and child labour.

By Fredrick Azelwa.