Rex Kanyike Masai, 29, lost his life along Moi Avenue during the anti-Finance Bill protests on Thursday.

Witnesses reported an officer firing into the crowd, injuring Rex in the leg. Despite efforts to save him at Bliss Hospital Moi Avenue, he succumbed to his wounds.

The Opposition Coalition is pushing for the Director of Public Prosecution to bring charges against Koome, Bungei, and any other officers responsible for the deaths and injuries of Kenyans during previous demonstrations staged by the coalition.

“It is evident that there is a big problem with our security officers as these tragic shootings are not isolated events. Not long ago, during maandamano, 75 people were killed because police opted for live bullets. This is a return of the police force instead of service,” said Azimio Co-Principal Kalonzo Musyoka.

Azimio La Umoja insisted that police officers must be held responsible for their heavy-handedness during protests, maintaining that it will not be tolerated.
“Despite the publicly recorded crimes, the murders of the 75 victims are yet to be investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice. We have not forgotten and we will never forget,” read the statement.

The Raila Odinga-led coalition hailed Generation Z for standing up against the punitive tax measures by President William Ruto’s administration despite police intimidation to interfere with the protests. Protests have been held across the country since Tuesday, with Gen Z leading the charge.

On Thursday, protesters clashed with police in Nairobi and other major towns, engaging in running battles and facing tear gas as they tried to reach Parliament.
“These are not clout chasers concerned with growing their TikTok numbers as alleged by the Kenya Kwanza regime and its sympathizers. Their images have not been photoshopped. The Gen Z on the streets are your authentic voters,” Musyoka stated.

The Opposition linked the Generation Z movement to the historic Sabasaba Movement, emphasizing their upsurge shouldn’t be ignored, calling it a significant turning point for the nation.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa