Seven health unions have threatened to strike within the next two weeks if county governments fail to address their grievances, which include delayed payment of salaries, lack of medical covers and failure to remit statutory deductions.

The unions, in a joint statement read by Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Dr. Davji Atellah, outlined the challenges facing health workers nationwide.

The other six were; Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO), Kenya National Union of Nurses and Midwives (KNUNM), Kenya National Union of Medical Laboratory Officers (KNUMLO), Kenya Environmental Health and Public Health Practitioners Union (KEHPHPU), Kenya National Union of Pharmaceutical Technologists and Officers (KNUPT), and Kenya Union of Nutritionists and Dietitians (KUNAD).

They highlighted that medical personnel in Meru, Machakos, West Pokot, Kakamega, Nairobi, Embu, Samburu, Taita Taveta, Homa Bay, Kisii, Kisumu, Nyamira, Mombasa, Kajiado, Migori, Trans Nzoia, Vihiga, and Bungoma counties have endured delays or non-payment of salaries for up to three months, impacting their ability to provide essential services.

The unions also criticized the failure of several counties to provide comprehensive medical coverage to healthcare personnel and failing to remit third-party deductions such as bank loans, SACCO contributions, pensions, union dues and NHIF payments.

They subsequently issued a firm ultimatum to the counties, demanding that they address the aforementioned grievances within the next 14 days lest they go on strike.

“All counties must procure proper medical cover for healthcare workers. This must be done within the next 14 days to ensure healthcare workers have access to the care they need. Counties in arrears must settle all outstanding salaries within the next 14 days. Failure to meet this demand will compel us to take industrial action to safeguard our members’ welfare,” read the statement.

“All counties must immediately remit third-party deductions, including loans. SACCO contributions, union dues, and NHIF deductions. These funds are vital for our members’ financial stability and access to critical services. Failure to meet these demands within the stipulated timeframe will result in further action, including industrial strikes.”

Further, the unions likewise called on the national government, county governments, and relevant authorities to take immediate and decisive action to address these issues.

“We call on the national government, county governments, and relevant authorities to act promptly to resolve these issues. The future of Kenya’s healthcare system and the wellbeing of our healthcare workers depend on immediate and decisive action,” they said.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa