Chief Justice Martha Koome on Thursday, September 16, announced the best performing courts in Kenya.


While addressing judicial stakeholders at the Supreme Court, Koome named Makueni, Nakuru and Milimani Civil Division as the best performing High Courts in the country.

The Chief Justice made the announcement at the launch of the Performance Management and Measurement Understandings (PMMs) Evaluation Report of 2019-2020.

In the report, Kisumu and Nakuru Labour Courts were ranked as the best performing courts under the Employment and Labour Division.

The Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi as pictured on November 18, 2019

The Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi as pictured on November 18, 2019SIMON KIRAGUKENYANS.CO.KE

The best Magistrate courts were Limuru, Marsabit, Mombasa, Engineer, Tononoka Children’s Court and Gatundu Magistrate Courts.

The released performance results were based on the number of filled cases in the courts.

Koome further noted that the judiciary would undertake internal benchmarking at the top-performing courts to improve their service delivery.

“Their exemplary performance will be an anchor piece to the vision’s intention of internal benchmarking to create centres of excellence in the delivery of Justice. This exercise will commence with the Nakuru Law Courts,” the Chief Justice noted.

At the event, Koome also launched her vision for the third arm of government, stating that she was determined to deal with the challenge of the backlog of cases.

“To ensure our courts and tribunals become centres of excellence, the Judiciary’s efforts will be focused on implementing strategies and innovations geared towards eliminating case delays and backlog,” Koome stated.

She further stated that the judicial officers would be tasked with monitoring cases to ensure they do not remain inactive in registries.

“No court case should drag in judicial corridors for more than three years in a trial court and one year in an appellate court,” she stated.

By, Fred Azelwa.