The Government has recognized three champions in Makueni County for their contribution towards the society by promoting education, arts and culture and environment conservation.

The three Masaku Mutua Muange (98), Jacinta Mumbua Kituku and Ruth Katungwa Mwendwa (32) received their awards from Makueni County Commissioner Maalim Mohammed on behalf of President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The trio were supposed to be awarded the medals during the last Mashujaa Day that was held at Kirinyaga County in October 20 2021.

Muange was feted for his immense contribution to education, environment and for fighting for the liberation of this country during the colonial period.

The man who is well advanced in age, is also regarded as a peace ambassador in the county who is a living example in advocating for peace need to be emulated in a bid to promote peace in the country.

Ms Kituku on the other hand was feted for helping vulnerable children in the Kamba nation. According to her, she has sponsored over 1,000 students to secondary schools by looking for donors.

“Since 2009 to date I have been sponsoring vulnerable children in Makindu, Kathozweni, Kibwezi and Machakos. I will continue to support them as some of them are in secondary and universities,” Kituku said.

In the same event, Ms Mwendwa was recognised for promoting art and culture by training youths. She is an acrobat besides making pots and jewelry.

“I love doing crafts and interior design in houses besides being a trainer of acrobats. This is an employment that youths have not exploited,” said Ms Mwendwa.

Addressing the hero and the heroines in his Wote Boardroom on Tuesday, Mohammed said that the trio should have travelled to Kirinyaga where they were supposed to be feted by the President Kenyatta among other Kenyans at the Mashujaa Day Celebrations.

However, the administrator said that they were represented by one person with disability at the event that was held at Wang’uru Stadium.

By Fred Azelwa.