All 144 coffee factories within Murang’a County are set to get new coffee drying beds within the next eight months.The Irungu Nyakera Foundation, in partnership with Kenya Coffee Platform has started to install the new beds in an effort to boost quality of coffee.

Former Planning Principal Secretary Irungu Nyakera said his foundation is committed to reviving the coffee sub sector saying new drying beds will ensure the quality of coffee is not compromised.

Speaking at Njora Coffee factory in Kigumo Sub County on Saturday, Nyakera observed that the existing coffee drying beds were in deplorable state making proper drying of coffee beans a challenge.

The drying beds, he said, have also made farmers end up with lesser money from their produce as the poor drying results in poor quality of coffee getting to buyers.

“When quality of coffee is compromised, the product will also fetch less price and that will negatively affect coffee farmers.

“My foundation has partnered with the Kenya Coffee Platform to install new drying beds to all 144 coffee factories within Murang’a. This will help improve the quality of coffee,” he added.

By Fred Azelwa.