Outgoing Eastern Regional Commissioner (RC) Isaiah Nakoru has called upon residents to maintain peace as the country gears up for the general elections.

Nakoru said it was the duty of every citizen to ensure the current tranquility being enjoyed in the region was maintained before, during and after the electioneering period, noting that no development could be realized in a volatile environment.

The RC particularly reached out to politicians urging them to shun hate campaigns in their vote-hunting mission, to ensure gains consolidated so far are not eroded.

“I appeal to politicians to preach peace in order to have a cohesive society,” said the outgoing RC on Thursday while handing over office to his successor Evans Achoki.

He however said there was still a lot to be done in the counties of Isiolo and Marsabit, where there has been a surge of insecurity orchestrated by a few groups of individuals bent on creating anarchy.

“We have done a lot of work in those areas in terms of holding peace and reconciliation meetings with the warring groups and registered much progress,” Nakoru said.

In terms of development, the RC said the region has had a huge investment made by the government to the tune of over Sh300 billion as well as creation of new administrative units to bring services closer to the people.

He said tremendous progress had been realized in terms of implementation of many projects and exuded confidence that the pending ones will be completed within the stipulated timelines.

Nakoru at the same time said the transfers were in order as they give them an opportunity to get exposed and understand the dynamics of various cultures and in the process transform them into nationalists.

The incoming RC promised to maintain the current growth trajectory by embracing teamwork to ensure peace was maintained as well as all government projects were completed to the expectations of wananchi.

“I’ll endeavor to have the government agenda achieved and that all government flagship projects are delivered before August polls,” said Achoki.

By Fred Azelwa.