Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERRA) acting  managing director Eng. Philemon Kandie were on Monday (24th January) at River Enziu bridge to launch the construction of the bridge which they promised to ensure construction is completely done.


The bridge which claimed 33 lives last year on December will now be constructed with a 120m span and 0.5km road works. This has will make locals to have something to smile about as it will ease movement of goods and services especially during havy rains seasons.

Kalonzo also lauded the Transport and Infrastructure ministry for being generous and availing resources to construct the much-needed bridge.

Kalonzo further said that going forward he was going to work with leaders who cannot steal public resources.

“Those who will serve with me must be people who won’t steal public resources. Leaders who put the interest of the people first and not their interest.”

He was accompanied by Mwingi West MP Charles Nguna, Mwingi Central’s Gideon Mulyungi, and Kitui Women Rep Irene Kasalu among other leaders.

By Fred Azelwa