Moyale Member of Parliament Qalicha Gufu has lauded the move by the United Democratic Movement (UDM) Party to join Azimio la Umoja movement saying it’s is a great step towards restoring peace and stability in Marsabit county.

Qalicha who is the party’s national Organising Secretary said for long their region has been neglected and expressed optimism of being part of the next government led by Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) chief Raila Odinga.

“Today we made a bold move to join Azimio and work together with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga in his quest to become this country’s 5th President,an ambition we support fully.Marsabit especially my constituency Moyale and Saku have experienced turmoil in terms of lack of enough security for our people and livestock and I’m sure this would be something of the past.I want to urge everyone not to be left behind in this journey of transformation” affirmed the first term legislator.

During its National Delegates Convention (NDC) at the Bomas of Kenya in Nairobi Thursday, the delegates unanimously agreed to support Odinga’s bid to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta under the Azimio la Umoja arrangement.

The ODM leader reiterated that he understood the challenges experienced by the residents of North Eastern Kenya, noting that they were injustices imposed by the colonial masters.

“Pastoralists are very important people and my government will ensure it considers their plight through creating opportunities aimed at ensuring that Livestock production is enhanced even in the cases of drought,” he said.

The party led by Mandera Governor Ali Roba and deputised by his Marsabit counterpart Mohamud Abshiro enjoys majority of the backing in the Northeastern Region which Qalicha says would be key to Raila’s victory in August.

“I know Baba means well for this country and we want to feel safe under his admnistration unlike before. We will rally our people to overwhelmingly back his candidacy because their livestock keeping and trade activities will thrive under his regime. Him being the father of devolution it will be strengthened and our county will get more resources” he further added.

By Fred Azelwa.