Transport CS James Macharia together with KURA DG Eng. Silas Kinoti inspecting the ongoing Dualling of Eastern Bypass.

The Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) Director General Engineer Silas Kinoti has hailed President Uhuru Kenyatta for his support and commitment towards realisation of robust Infrastructural development in most parts of the country.

Kinoti affirmed with only a few months left to the end of Kenyatta’s 10-year reign, his administration is seen to be extra keen on finishing up the major infrastructure projects it embarked on during its tenure.

“A majority of the projects whose cost runs into billions of shillings are nearing completion, with the current admnistration led by HE the President going into overdrive to ensure they are unveiled before the upcoming August election.From the Standard Gauge Railway to the Nairobi Expressway, these projects are expected to play a centre role in cementing President Kenyatta’s legacy.” he said

Transport CS James Macharia together with KURA DG Eng. Silas Kinoti inspecting the ongoing Dualling of Eastern Bypass

Last year,the National Treasury increased the allocation for ongoing road construction in the country as the head of state races against time to seal his legacy on infrastructure developments.

The Sh10 billion increase comes at a time the State has been investing heavily in road construction, a move Kinoti says has opened up the country for trade and investment.

“With good infrastructure, Kenyans will be able to run their businesses, generate wealth and create employment for the country’s youth.We are doing this because without it there will be no jobs. With projects such as the Langata road to Ngong road link via Kibra, wananchi are assured of better and decent lives because movement will be quickened” he added

The state has been opting for Public-Private Partnerships in financing infrastructure projects in the country as a part of a wider plan not to burden the public with heavy loans that sometimes come with higher repayment terms.

The 27.1km expressway project which runs from Mlolongo through the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) past the city center to Westlands will cost Ksh73.5 billion.

The highway features a four-lane and six-lane dual carriageway and is expected to be opened by April.

The China Road and Bridge Corporation who are constructing the expressway will steer its operations for about 27 years to reclaim its cost by collection of tolls.

By Fred Azelwa.