The Kenya Rugby Union Board has appointed Kombo Kikechi to the position of acting Vice Chairman. Kikechi will serve in this capacity until the next election.

His appointment, which is in line with clause 10.2.2 of the KRU Constitution, comes after immediate past Vice Chairman Thomas Opiyo vacated the post following the expiry of his term.

As an administrator,Thomas has served as a club chairman at Nondescripts RFC before assuming his immediate former role as Vice Chairman of the Kenya Rugby Union.

“Thomas has been a tireless and dedicated servant of the game through his playing years, representing Kenya in both codes of the game.

We take this opportunity to thank him for his exceptional service and selfless contribution to the game and wish him well in his future endeavors” part of KRU statement read.

Kombo,who is Kenya Rugby Union Director in charge of youth development said they will carry on to ensure continuity for the sake of growth of the game locally.

“Basically we have to pick from where Tano left and considering much is ahead of us we have to maintain focus in a bid to develop the sport further. We’ll start with with the Barthes Cup and Shujaa assignment at the Singapore 7s this weekend. We also have to qualify for World Cup through Rugby Africa 7s championship, set to be played in Uganda. So it’s an eventful schedule for us and we are committed towards making it happen” noted Kombo.

KRU’s annual general meeting (AGM) held on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, in Nairobi failed to see the election of officials as was expected due to non-compliance with the sports act 2013.

Chairman Oduor Gangla told the meeting only two clubs (KCB and AP Rugby) have complied with the Sports Act 2013 so far thus failing to reach the quorum expected to hold an election. At least 10 fully complied affiliates were required to conduct the election.

“The Sports registrar spoke to us on Tuesday evening saying we can’t hold the elections because out of 47 member clubs only two are affiliated,” said Gangla.

The election of two directors, treasurer, hon secretary, and vice-chairman will be done at a later date when at least 10 clubs have submitted their papers to the registrar of sports for compliance.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa.