The Senate Tuesday adjourned to discuss the fuel crisis in the country, with Senators calling on the government to urgently address the crisis.

The adjournment motion was moved by Murang’a Senator, Irungu Kang’ata.

While debating the motion, Senators, however, cautioned politicians against using the crisis to gain political mileage.

A section of Senators specifically took issue with Monday’s statement by Deputy President William Ruto over the same.

According to the Senators, it was ironic that the deputy president who is the country’s second in command was complaining like any other Kenyan when he should be the problem solver.

But those in support of his statement led by Bungoma Senator, Moses Wetangula dismissed claims that the crisis was entirely caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Wetangula accused the government of assuming a wait and see attitude when Kenyans are suffering.

He wondered why the government has been slow to utilize the Petroleum Development Fund in such circumstances.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa.