The government has committed to deliver an estimated 12,400 units this year under the ambitious affordable housing projects this year.

Transport Cabinet Secretary James Macharia says some of the projects will be gradually undertaken between March and December as the government embarks on the journey to deliver 500,000 affordable homes to Kenyans under the Affordable Housing Agenda.

He said already 228 units have been delivered at Park Road in Nairobi. An additional 1,142 units are expected to be put up before the end of the year, with other flagship projects set to break ground next month being Starehe, Shauri Moyo and Soweto East in Kibera.

“The identified flagship projects will catalayse the Affordable Housing Programme as the government moves to address challenges that have precipitated Kenya’s chronic shortage of decent and affordable housing,” he said.

Macharia said the State had brought on board 11 strategic partners who had prepared projects ready for ground this year. The earmarked projects will together deliver more than 155,000 housing units in Nairobi Metropolitan and Mombasa county.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa.