Lawmakers are now demanding that their car grants be increased from Sh7 million to Sh10 million.

The MPs argue that the current grant, which is subject to taxation, is not enough to purchase a top of the range limousine befitting their status. The MPs are also entitled to another Sh7 million car loan, which is however optional.

They are also entitled to a tax-free car grant of Sh5 million, for the purchase of smaller vehicles normally used for town service.

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) has proposed to reduce the tax-free car grant from Sh5 million to Sh3.5 million, a move the MPs feel will make it impossible for them to purchase high-end cars. They now want an unconditional grant of Sh10 million, up from the current Sh7 million, to enable them purchase vehicles of their choice. “In any case, the grant accorded to us is not a favour, we pay for it,” said an MP who sought anonymity.

They have also warned against the reduction of mileage claims of Sh187 per kilometre for a return trip to their constituencies to Sh112 as proposed by the commission.

The commission says that the proposed cuts are aimed at reducing the country’s ballooning wage bill.

“The SRC has turned down our proposals. We have vowed not to allow the commission to play around with our perks. The members are unanimous that we will shoot down the report,” said a member, who sought anonymity.

“SRC is a part-time commission but they are sitting permanently. They earn a full-time salary, get sitting and house allowances but are at the same time denying us house allowances,”  MP added.

By Moses Wekesa.