Nine presidential petitions were lodged at the Supreme Court on Monday with eight of them seeking to overturn President-Elect William Ruto’s victory

Apart from Azimio La Umoja one Kenya coalition party petition, other petitioners include John Njoroge Kamau, Daniel Kariuki Ngari, Juliah Nyokabi Chege, Khelef Khalifa, Okiya Omtatah, Youth Advocacy Africa and Reuben Kigame.

At the same time Chama Cha Kazi Party leader Moses Kuria has also moved to the Supreme Court to dismiss Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition Presidential Candidate Raila Odinga ’s petition seeking to nullify President-elect William Ruto’s win.

In his suit papers, the former Gatundu South MP cited the violence that was witnessed during last Monday’s declaration at the Bomas of Kenya as his main reason.

In Raila and Karua petition, in a case against IEBC, its chairperson Wafula Chebukati, commissioners and William Ruto, they want the court to declare the Presidential Election results announced on August 15 null and void.

In his petition, Omtatah also wants the results of the Presidential election announced by IEBC dismissed, stating that no candidate achieved the 50% + one threshold stipulated in the constitution.

On his part, Khalifa is also seeking the nullification of the presidential election results. With Kigame also seeking the to declare the nomination and clearance of the four presidential candidates as null and void.

Kamau on his part is seeking the courts clarification on whether IEBC chairman erred in excluding other commissioners in the final tallying.

The lobby group is calling for the nullification of the presidential election saying they had evidence that there was manipulation of the poll outcome to ensure a candidate achieved the 50%+1 threshold.