Raila Odinga, the Azimio La Umoja presidential candidate, demanded on Wednesday that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman Wafula Chebukati recuse himself from overseeing the elections in Kakamega and Mombasa Counties.

Raila, who campaigned for Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir’s gubernatorial bid, argued that Chebukati, one of several parties named in over seven petitions challenging the presidential election results, is unqualified to oversee the two elections.

According to Raila, Chebukati’s deputy Juliana Cherera, one of the commisioners who raised doubts about the results, should oversee the two elections.

“Chebukati should disqualify himself from the elections ili haki iweze kutendeka hapa, ajiondoe kwenye hii uchaguzi inayoendelea, aawachie wale hawana mapendeleo,” Raila said.

“Tunasema ya kwamba uchaguzi wa Mombasa na Kakamega utafanywa chini ya usimamizi wa naibu wa mwenyekiti wa IEBC, Juliana Cherera…”

According to Raila, the IEBC chairman went to announce the results alone, despite the absence of six commissioners, four of whom raised concerns about the final results’ integrity.

“Yeye alienda pale peke yake kwa sababu alikuwa ashapewa hongo kubwa , akaenda pale kutangaza, yeye hana haya anasema uchaguzi ya Kakamega na Mombasa iendelee yeye akiwa hapo,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Governor elections in Mombasa and Kakamega are scheduled for Monday, August 29, with the IEBC also expected to hold elections in six other elective areas.

Aside from the governorship race, elections for Member of Parliament will be held in Kitui Rural Constituency, Kacheliba Constituency (West Pokot County), Pokot South Constituency (West Pokot County), and Rongai Constituency (Nakuru County).

By Fred Odanga Azelwa.