NAIROBI, Kenya, Aug 24 – Were the top three FKF national leagues; the Premier League, National Super League and the Division One Leagues run under an illegality? That is a question that every football stakeholder is asking after a Sports Disputes Tribunal ruling issued Tuesday evening.

According to the ruling issued by chair John Ohaga, the decision by the Football Kenya Federation Transition Committee to allow for the continuation of the NSL and Division One Leagues was well within their mandate.

However, Ohaga’s ruling throws a spanner in the works; the Committee committed an illegality in failing to use the constitutionally mandated FKF judicial and standing committee bodies, instead creating their own.

This now leaves the question as to whether the three leagues that the Committee was running were concluded legally, putting in mind that the same bodies created ‘unconstitutionally’ as par the SDT’s ruling, had made decisions that affected the final standings.

While the Tribunal ruled that the judicial bodies were unconstitutional, it however did not rule on whether the decisions would mean that the leagues were null and void, thus leaving an opaque ending on what essentially the ruling means.

The Committee’s judicial bodies made rulings in relation to several matches across the three leagues and if they are now deemed an illegality, what happens to the results borne hence?

Apart from the judicial bodies, the Caretaker and Transition Committee both appointed referees on their own without using the FKF body mandated to do so.