Pkosing who was elected unopposed will be deputized by Rangwe MP Lilian Gogo to oversight crucial government parastatals.

The 15-member committee will oversight critical government sectors such as Roads, Transport, Energy, Petroleum, National Treasury, ICT, Communications, Water, Irrigation, Forestry and wildlife, Trade and industry.

“Our first order of business will be to hold a meeting with the speaker so that we can regularize the list of the state parastatals we are supposed to scrutinize. Parastatals such as the Kenya Revenue Authority and the Central Bank of Kenya which should be under our ambit are not captured in the list,” said Pkosing.

The committee is scheduled to deal with current thorny issues which include the National Fiber Optic Backbone Infrastructure deal that was to ensure the country’s 100 per cent internet connectivity as well as the multi-billion Standard Gauge Railway contract between Kenya and China.

The Public Investments Committee has been split into three namely the commercial and energy, governance and education and social welfare and Agriculture.

Navakholo MP Emmanuel Wangwe has been appointed as the Chair of the PIC committee on social welfare and Agriculture. He will be deputized by Saboti MP Caleb Amisi in the elections that were unopposed.

“I urge members that we drop our political inclinations and conduct committee business im[partially. The work of this committee supersedes any political interests because our duty is to safeguard the interest of Kenyans,” Wangwe said.

The Wangwe led committee will be oversighting approximately 127 state parastatals.

In the PIC committee on Education and Governance , Bumula MP Jack Wamboka was elected as the chair and will be deputised by Samburu West MP Naisula Lesuuda.

By Fred Odanga.