By Fred Odanga Azelwa.

Mwangi who appeared before the County Assembly’s Committee on Appointments on Tuesday said the Sh600 million is inform of assets, while Sh12.5 million is in solid cash.

Mwangi who was the first to face the vetting committee said that most of the wealth is from rentals which he started putting up in 1987.

“The wealth I have accumulated is as a result of many years of hard work, my employees and my family run the business so I can confirm there is no conflict of interest between my work and personal business,” Mwangi told the committee.

SG Mwangi has been the Chief officer for Lands, housing and urban planning before Governor Johnson Sakaja appointed him as the CEC in the sector.

The 65-year old CEC nominee joined the Nairobi county government in 1985, where he has mostly served in the lands and urban renewal department.

Responding on how he would deal with the perennial land grabbing challenge in the city, Mwangi noted that land grabbing is more political than technical and accused political actors of dishing out land so as to appease supporters especially in Eastlands.

“Any land that was surrendered to the county government of Nairobi should come back to the county,” he said.

The CEC expressed his commitment to serve the city residents in ensuring their development proposals get the necessary.

Housing is a challenge, we need to think about this issue and the Assembly should help us to approve housing developments because we already have the land and the investors will provide the funding,” he added.