By Fred Azelwa.

President William Ruto’s 51 Principal Secretary (PS) nominees will be vetted by the National Assembly’s departmental committees between November 14, 2022 and November 18, 2022.

The vetting timetable was shared on Friday, November 4 by the Clerk of the National Assembly Samuel Njoroge.

The nominees will be expected to bring with them their national identity cards, academic certificates, clearance certificates from HELB, KRA, the DCI and Office of the Registrar of Political Parties.

The vetting will take place between 9am and 4:30pm on the respective dates.

Members of the public have been invited to give their views about the 51 PS nominees on or before November 11, 2022.

“The departmental committees invite interested members of the public to submit any representation they may have, by written statements with supporting evidence on the suitability or otherwise of the candidates for appointment to the offices they have been nominated,” said Clerk Samuel Njoroge.

Kenyans can submit their views through email or physical delivery.

For email submissions, one can send their views to clerk.nationalassembly@parliament

Interior PS nominee Raymond Omollo, Julius Korir (Cabinet Affairs), Julius Bitok (Citizen Services), Dr Josephine Mburu (Health Standards), Chris Kiptoo (National Treasury) are among those to be vetted on the first day, November 14.

They will be followed Geoffrey Kaituko ( labour and Smills development).

On the final day, November 18, Tourism PS nominee John Ololtuaa, Nixon Korir (Lands), John Kipchumba Tanui (ICT), Veronica Nduva (Gender) and Ismail Madey (Youth) are among those who will be vetted.

There are 44 committees in the 13th Parliament, including 24 select committees and 20 departmental committees.

President William Ruto unveiled his PS nominees on Wednesday, November 2.

Below is the full list of PS nominee.

  1. Julius Korir – State Department for Cabinet Affairs
  1. Teresia Mbaika Malokwe – State Department for Devolution
  1. Esther Ngero – State Department for Performance and Delivery Management
  1. Aurelia Rono – State Department for Parliamentary Affairs
  1. Raymond Omollo – State Department for Interior and National Administration
  1. Caroline Nyawira Murage – State Department for Correctional Services
  1. Amb. Julius Bitok – State Department for Citizen Services
  1. Dr. Chris Kiptoo – The National Treasury
  1. James Muhati – State Department for Economic Planning
  1. Patrick Mariro – Defence
  1. Korir Sing’oei – State Department for Foreign Affairs
  1. Roseline Njogu – State Department for Diaspora Affairs
  1. Amos Gathecha – State Department for Public Service
  1. Veronica Mueni Nduva – State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action
  1. Joseph Mungai Mbugua – State Department for Roads
  1. Mohamed Dhagar – State Department for Transport
  1. Nixon Korir – State Department for Lands and Physical Planning
  1. Charles Hinga – State Department for Housing and Urban Development
  1. Joel Arumonyang – State Department for Public Works
  1. Prof. Edward Kisiangani – State Department for Broadcasting and Telecommunications
  1. Eng. John Kipchumba Tanui – ICT and Digital Economy
  1. Eng. Peter Tum – State Department for Medical Services
  1. Dr. Joseph Mburu – State Department for Health Standards and Professional Management
  1. Dr. Belio Kipsang – State Department for Basic Education
  1. Esther Thaara Muhoria – State Department for TVET
  1. Beatrice Inyangala – State Departments for Higher Education and Research
  1. Phillip Kello Harsama – State Department for Crop Development
  1. Harry Kimutai – State Department for Livestock Development
  1. Alfred K’Ombundo – State Department for Trade
  1. Abubakar Hassan – State Department for Investment Promotion
  1. Juma Mukhwana – State Department for Industry
  1. John Ololtuaa – State Department for Tourism
  1. Sylvia Naseya Muhoro – State Department for Wildlife
  1. Ummy Mohammed Bashir – State Department for Culture and Heritage
  1. Dr. Paul Ronoh – State Department for Water and Sanitation
  1. Gitonga Mugambi – State Department for Irrigation
  1. Alex Wachira – State Department for Energy
  1. Mohamed Liban – State Department for Petroleum
  1. Geoffrey Kaituko – State Department for Labour and Skills Development
  1. Joseph Mugosi Mutavi – State Department for Social Protection and Senior Citizen Affairs
  1. Abdi Dubart – State Department for East African Community Development
  1. Idris Dogota – State Department for The ASALs and Regional Development
  1. Elijah Mwangi – State Department for Mining
  1. Betsy Muthoni Njagi – State Department for Blue Economy and Fisheries
  1. Shadrack Mwadime – State Department for Shipping and Maritime Affairs.