By Fred Odanga Azelwa.

Orange Democratic Movement Leader Raila Odinga differed with Kenya Kwanza leaders in Kilifi over the Cherera 4 commissioners following their suspension from the IEBC regarding their conduct during the August elections.

Raila who attended the homecoming of Kilifi Governor Gideon Mungro announced that the December 7th convention in Kamukunji was in place and told all his supporters countrywide to join in the protests noting that the government was heading in the wrong direction.

In addition, the opposition leader said that on December 12th the Azimio camp would hold parallel Jamhuri day celebrations in Nairobi in a bid to snub official celebrations led by President William Ruto.

On their part, Kenya Kwanza loyalists including Gender Cabinet Secretary Aisha Jumwa, Deputy Majority leader of parliament Owen Baya and UDA MPs present told off Raila and his Azimio camp urging Kenyans to reject the calls for demonstrations in the country.

Jumwa said Raila should accept defeat and move on just as she did when she lost in the Kilifi elections for Governor.

The CS said the ODM Party leaders should instead go and sit with Ruto privately and discuss their matters to reach amicable solutions instead of taking back the country to the campaign mood.

On his part, Kilifi North MP Owen Baya said Kilifi was not ready to be taken back to the campaign mood as demonstrations would hurt the tourism sector.

Baya told the former prime Minister to forget about his plans and accept that he lost the elections.

Also present were Mombasa Governor Abdlussamad Shariff Nassir, Taita Governor Andrew Mwadime, MPs Ken Chonga of Kilifi South, Rabai MP Kenga Mupe, Senator Stewart Madzayo, Speaker Teddy Mwambire among other leaders.