Rebecca Miano, the Cabinet Secretary nominee for East Africa Community, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Development has revealed her net worth to be Ksh.397 million.

The former KenGen CEO made the declaration on Friday during her vetting by the National Assembly’s Committee on Appointments, where she noted that the wealth was jointly earned with her husband.

Ms Miano said the net worth had been acquired through investments in property in her 30-year career and ownership of two houses, one in Nairobi and the other in Nyahururu.

“My financial net worth is Ksh 397 million. I have a house in Nairobi, another back at home in Nairobi and the rest are properties we (together with husband) have acquired over the last 30 years and what I have shown now, the value is the current market value that has appreciated over time,” she said.

The lawyer went on to disclose that she also owns three motor vehicles which are included in her Ksh 397 million wealth.

“I also have a Toyota Prado, Mitsubishi Pajero and an Isuzu truck,” she said.

By Fred Azelwa.